A national consortium of 30 social science researchers from five South African universities conducted the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM) in five waves from May 2020 – July 2021. The NIDS-CRAM Wave 5 data was collected between 6 April and 11 May 2021. There were 5862 successful Wave 5 interviews. This synthesis report is split into seven sections, some consisting of a number of papers.

1. Schooling: Shepherd & Mohohlwane
2. Employment: Casale & ShepherdDaniels et al.Espi et al.Kohler & HillNwosu et al.
3. Vaccines: Burger et al.Kollamparambil et al.
4. Hunger: Van Der Berg et al., Shepherd & Mohohlwane
5. Early Childhood Development: Wills & Kika-Mistry
6. Shack Residents: Turok & Visagie
7. Mental Health: Hunt et al.Oyenubi et al.

The synthesis report is available here and all other papers can be downloaded at https://cramsurvey.org/reports

The NIDS-CRAM data is freely available for download at the Data First Open Data Portal: https://www.datafirst.uct.ac.za