GTAC is pleased to invite you to the first virtual Public Economics Winter School, a three-day event planned for Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 August 2021. We aim to gather all interested economics, law and social science students, and offer them an event consisting of lectures, and panel discussions with local and international experts around a crucial public economics issue – the impact and consequences of Covid-19 on the South Africa’s people and the economy.

The theme for the 2021 Winter School is Covid-19: Policy trade-offs towards containment and recovery. The on-going impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has challenged policymakers with more complex trade-offs than ever before. Government needs to choose carefully among many options in managing the economy during containment of the pandemic, and towards recovery. The three-day event will offer ample opportunity for discussion and debate, around issues such as the role and responsibility of government in managing disasters and supporting the most vulnerable, as well as sessions on health economics.

As per the previous GTAC Winter Schools, this is an event not to be missed.