GTAC’s Weekly Webinar on 31 March 2023 reflected on two of the Covid-19 Country Report chapters: Chapter 2: Government leadership & governance and Chapter 3: Legal & regulatory responses.
The First Edition Country Report was published in 2021, and tells the story of the first year of the pandemic. The chapter teams are now working on the 2nd Edition, and during the webinar Prof Bernd Rosenkranz and Prof Babette Rabie shared insights from their draft 2nd Edition chapter. Please see the slides here. Dr Marietjie Botes provide an overview of the findings of Chapter 3, and her slides can be accessed here. Both chapters cover fascinating facts and analysis, on our preparedness for complex disasters, on the resilience of our legal system, and on the human rights implications of some of the decisions.
The Covid-19 Country Report was conceptualised shortly after the outbreak of the pandemic in South Africa on 5 March 2020, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) decided on the development of a South African COVID-19 Country Report. The aim was to provide a storyline and a broad understanding of how South Africa managed this disastrous situation. Scientists across various academic disciplines were invited by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to contribute to this important initiative which is supported by GTAC.
Click here to see the video of the webinar on our YouTube Channel.