Spending Reviews bring to light the links between policy development and implementation, through providing a better understanding of the institutional landscape, policy, cost and budgetary implications. A better understanding of departments’ baselines assists in finding savings in existing expenditure, as well as proposing savings and efficiencies in medium term budgets. By analysing and understanding how money is spent in institutions or facilities, as well as on existing implementation programmes, a strong empirical base for clear recommendations to decision-makers is developed.
The resources listed below will assist you to quickly access examples of previous national and provincial spending reviews, as well as infographics summarising the review in one page.
Technical Spending Reviews
Health departments spent R 6.9 bn on commuted overtime in 2021, which was 4.6% of total provincial health CoE in 2021. The strongest contributor to commuted overtime expenditure growth between 2010 and 2021 was the expansion of the number of doctors in the health system. The coverage of doctors after hours seems to be low as 1 doctor is representing 14 doctors after hours. This needs to be compared with the actual workload during overtime periods to ascertain whether the expenditure on commuted overtime is realistic. Commuted overtime expenditure growth is directly related to growth in the basic salaries of the recipients. Lower annual COLA and fewer progressions and promotions will slow down commuted overtime expenditure growth. No evidence of excessive individual claims was detected in the 2021 PERSAL data.
The spending review focused on the roll out of the HPV vaccine to schools. It argues that the HPV grant should be incorporated into the provincial equitable share as this will allow for greater integration with other health programmes and enable provinces to permanently appoint the staff that work on the programme. This should improve the programme’s effectiveness and lead to cost savings as annual training costs can be reduced. Consideration should be given to expanding the vaccine to boys to further prevent the spread of the virus.